Wednesday, December 17, 2008
i had forgotten
how it feels to turn on the shower and gasp for breath as the cold water stole my oxygen
the exhilaration
what it was like to use my underwear as a washcloth
and what it means to my hands when the only option is to hand wash my clothes
i had forgotten
washing your hands with soap isn't a priority here
that sinking feeling when drunk men chase me with lips puckered, asking for a kiss
"i love you mommy, give me a kiss"
how much i love to roast ground nuts and how much i love to eat with my hands
how sweet it is to bake with naomi and have the children waiting eagerly to taste
the feeling of isolation when being the only mzungu for day
how much i love the smell of the dirt and the vibrancy of the color green
i had forgotten
those big green mangoes i love to eat
the joy that fills my heart when i hear africans sing, white teeth shining
the adventures of taking the bus
having the caponias using me as bait to get more customers
the feeling that maybe everyone only wants my money and not my heart
i had forgotten
how much i love black skin
how much i hate snakes
how much i love chimanga, roasted maize
how much bread is consumed in africa
mopani worms
how easy it is to gain weight here
the sweet, delicious taste of coke from a glass bottle, perspiring in the heat
i had forgotten how much i truly love africa
why is it so easy to forget?
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
zambia and love
zambia welcomed me with a thick humidity, a shining sun, and wind that whipped my hair around. my flights seemed to take forever but they went very well. i wished to spend some time exploring kenya as i had a layover there but i've decided that next year i will take a trip to kenya to hike mt. kilimanjaro and explore a bit more of africa.
i am staying in a beautiful house with a friend, cheruzgo, whose family recently moved to lusaka, zambia's capital city. his father is the u.n. ambassador for zambia and is a little intimidating. very smart and highly respected. i felt like maybe i should have read up on some things before starting a conversation with him. it's been nice to have a place to rest before traveling again tomorrow to kitwe and luanshya where all those i love and cherish will be. cheruzgo's house has a swimming pool that i used for some time this afternoon. so refreshing. africa knows how to keep the weather warm while the water is cool. you can't find this in arizona, it's perfect. i think i got a little color on my skin too, which is much needed now that i see the contrast between my skin and those around me here. quite pasty.
it's a strange transition, going from italy to africa and i'm still trying to believe that i am actually in africa. maybe this was the perfect resting place to help the transition be a little easier to have a shower and nice bed before i go to the townships. i've been trying to push down that little feeling of anxiety that has been trying to rise up within my chest, reminding me of the baggage and weight that africa has held. i don't think i prepared myself fully for coming, and maybe that's ok. sometimes, actually most times i over think things, maybe it was good to just not think about it until i got here. i may not have come otherwise. but it's beautiful. everything green and alive, sun shining brightly, warming my skin. oh, and the trees. i love the trees in africa, so much.
i'm a little sick, but last night cheruzgo, who i may now refer to as ginger, made me a concoction of ginger root and coca cola, of all things. we cut the ginger and boiled it in the coke and then drank the strong biting mixture to good health. i think it was helpful but i might be eating more of that ginger to ensure health returning.
i feel that i'm rambling....
god is good. he has done great things for me, and he continues to bless me every day. i pray that i would acknowledge him more, that i would love him more, and that i would believe him more. trust, more. amen.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
baking pies
Sunday, November 23, 2008
i love....
i didn't realize how needy i am for affirmations, but i am. this is one big struggle i have in ministry. when you're a minister people expect to be filled by you, they want you to heal them, to affirm them, to help them. they don't see you as a person who needs filling every now and again. or like myself, every moment. and so people skip the compliments, the prayers, the help. this isn't true of every situation but, we're all looking for a little help, a little attention. so when someone comes around in the name of service we expect to be served, not to serve. we are consumers, all of us.
my mom reminded me recently, maybe i need to just show the others how much i desire to be with them, how much i love them, instead of letting my heart, feelings, and pride be hurt that i am not being pursued. i am a sucker for flattery. but god warns us about that doesn't he?! i still love it, desire it, need it.... but then i'm asking people to not truly love me, and i guess i'm asking to not truly love, but only to love with a good reason. and that's empty.
it's hard isn't it?! i think so. my flesh is at constant war. my needs constantly being squashed, my pride, always coming before a fall. how is it that pride is so resilient? even after being squashed and thrown down so many times, it just gets right back up again. maybe because i grasp at any tiny thing to pull myself back up. it's all a lie. deception.
one of the girls out here, jess, invited me over yesterday because she wanted to see me before i left. we, with her husband, watched the new indiana jones movie and drank ridiculously huge mugs of hot cocoa with marshmallow creme scooped on top. i was in a sugar coma about 5 minutes into the movie. it felt so good to be wanted, to be loved. she even gave me a gift (i love getting gifts) and i felt blessed. and a voice echoed in my head, reminding me, as i love this, so would she, so would many others that just want to know they are loved. it feels good to be loved. but i can't just be a consumer, although i would love to only be on the receiving end. but i need to give it out too, because it is just as gratifying, actually more gratifying to be the giver. maybe this is the deception. we think it's better to receive, but when we give we realize how much more wonderful it is to see the joy in anther's eyes to hear or feel that they are loved.
i want to love you more....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
cinque terre and florence with david ciminello
"as jesus and his disciples were leaving jericho, a large crowd followed him. two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that jesus was going by, they shouted, 'lord, son of david, have mercy on us!' the crowd rebuked them and told them to be quiet, but they shouted all the louder, 'lord, son of david, have mercy on us!'"
matthew 20:29-31
love that. i have decided today, and maybe i've decided this before, but it feels new, and right. i have decided that i am going to be exactly who i want to be. as i stand alone, before god, and before others, i want to hold my head high knowing that i was and did all that god made me for.
and i will be unashamed.
Monday, November 3, 2008
for mi familia di bartell
you would like to try the cioccolata calda (hot chocolate) here, you need to eat it with a spoon cause it's so thick, kinda like hot chocolate pudding...mmmm!
We went to Belluno, and it was gorgeous!
We went for an adventure, Me and Sarah from the south!
This is me and my new roommate, Lindsey!
i have missed you. i feel lonely for you when i know you're all together. mom told me that you're having fun in the fall of minnesota, and i am happy that you all got to see each other. my heart hurts when i know that my family is hurting, when there is separation and wounds, but i am excited to trust that these things don't last forever. i think that family is the most important thing on earth, it's good to have a home.
i've been busy in italy although today was an exception. today i walked around town in the rain and watched the first season of the office on dvd. but i also went running and cleaned my dungeon so i wasn't entirely unproductive. i've been teaching english twice a week on tuesday and friday nights and i've been taking italian lessons on friday mornings. it has been fun learning the language and understanding it more. i still feel very silly trying to speak it but i'm trying to be easy with myself and not be frustrated that i'm not fluent after these two months. :) i've made some african and romanian friends and this is fun when i think of going to both africa and romania for missions trips before. i enjoy the mix of cultures and the ability to be part of people's lives. so, i'm doing things, learning things, exploring the world. i know sometimes you might feel worried about me but, you don't need to worry. i am doing absolutely the very thing i love to do and i am happy and blessed to know i have the opportunity.
i do miss home, i miss being known as i move from place to place. i miss having a bed to call my own and having pictures of you all on my wall. i miss curling up in mom's lap and giving my dad a big hug, telling him not to let go cause i just need it to be a little tighter and a little longer. i miss playing games with you grandma and losing every time. i miss joking with grandpa and having him give me that look, unsure of whether i'm joking or serious. i can here him saying, "well..." right now. i miss dairy queen runs and cream cheese dip, french vanilla coffee in frosty glass mugs, taking walks through those small minnesotan towns. i'm sad to know i'll be missing another year of christmas with you all. i won't be there to help pick out our traditional charlie brown christmas tree and i won't get to hear ben reading the christmas story with resistance. i won't get to pass out the presents and mentally count out who got more, making sure the last one to open up a gift is me. :) i'll be in africa, missing you, but doing what i love. if only you could go with me everywhere i went, if i could carry home inside of me. dad tells me i've gotta make every place feel like home but sometimes it's hard without you being there with me.
i love you a lot, i'm praying for you and so thankful to know that you're praying for me too. mom, make sure to give grandma and grandpa a hug and kiss for me.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
e fresco
a thought came to me the other day that was quite convicting. i was thinking randomly of how love means discipline, and then i thought of how truth must mean love.
i hate to say it but the truth be told, sometimes i am not genuine. i struggle to tell the truth. sometimes even about little things, and after i give someone an answer i think, where did that come from? i am asked a simple question and feel a pressure of performance. there must be a right and wrong, and i guess at the right, regardless of it being the truth or not. in arguments i struggle to ever be wrong although i know i am wrong often. it's pride. insecurity. fear. which maybe all of these things equal pride somehow. but it's a problem, because the thought that came to me, about truth being love, convicted me that maybe i am so self-centered and worried about other people loving me, and therefore being someone other than myself, that i am not concerned at all about loving them.
i mean, i could reason that i say things to gain their approval, but is that loving them? no, i think it is more loving myself. i do fear man. i think of these verses that speak about fearing man who is but dust and know they were written for me.
i can't be right or acceptable or lovable all the time. it's okay if i'm annoying sometimes, it's okay for me to be wrong....if that were to ever happen.... :) but what's even better is to know that i love someone else enough to be genuine and honest, regardless of what they think, but so they can trust me. so they can know that i'm giving them the truth, in love.
does any of this make sense? it is so clear in my mind but i feel it's getting jumbled while i type. it is also a bit humiliating for me to write this out, to bare my soul with its great weaknesses, but maybe you will love me anyways.
truth is love
a girl i was with last night mentioned that the callouses she used to have on her fingers from writing are almost gone now. i was taken back for a moment and then asked, "because you don't write anymore, you type?" and she replied in the affirmative. i think that is sad. i love writing, with a pen. i hope we all can maintain our finger callouses, and write each other letters. real ones.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
a new thing
Sunday, October 12, 2008
best things
i started out my walk feeling needy, and then angry, wanting answers to my questions and feeling as though i was only met with more questions and no clear answer. i stood at the top of a bridge overlooking a river and watched as the green plants in the water looked like hair as they swayed with the rush of the current. i noticed a fish pop out of the greenery and struggle to swim upstream. my cynical mind felt that that was my answer - maybe there is only one fish out there...and then as i continued to watch i noticed another fish pop out from the same spot as the first and begin to struggle as well, and then another. i was fascinated and tried watching as my eyes played tricks on my mind, watching the water and then getting distracted by the reflection of the weeping willow that stood above me. i couldn't find my fish anymore. as i began to think that god didn't care i turned on my music again and started to walk. i told god i was angry although i didn't want to be. and i kept walking.
he brought me through neighborhoods with high colorful houses and brilliant colored flowers. dogs barked at me and cats bounced away or watched carefully as i walked by determined. i kept walking into the country where i usually jog. i walked to the road that i had heard was fun to walk down and turned to find god waiting for me there. i walked past several stumps, a cat on each one. watching. i walked past tall corn fields that reflected gold as the sun shone on them. a grape orchard sprawled across my left, a soy bean field on my right. the sun was sinking to my right and felt warm on my skin. i can't explain to you the glory of the sight and the feeling i knew was god as he reminded me that he has brought me out into an open space to be with me. because he loves me, and i am his beloved.
he knows my heart so well. i felt contented as i listened to my music that i intended to block him out but to no avail. he speaks and nothing can stop his voice - except me i guess. but i longed for him, and i accepted his words. how can i feel anything but love from my father?
my walked from that point on was filled with only good things - thoughts of courage and joy, peace and contentment. acceptance and love. i smiled at the rare few i passed and was happy to speak to a woman who needed by help. she only spoke italian, me, english. and we smiled anyways. i walked back toward home feeling free. the air was getting cooler, the sun had dropped lower. i had been walking for about two hours. i needed the time. i made the last climb to get back to my home street and bent down to take a pebble out of the heel of my shoe.
i heard a cheer like a "wooo" as I bent down and thought, yeaaaaahhhh, and smiled to myself before i quickly recognized the "wooo" came from my music playing from a live concert on my ipod. whoopsie, got a little ahead of myself there.
alas, it as a good walk, filled with only good things.
Friday, October 10, 2008
a memory
i watch myself live life on my own. i am independent, i am strong, i am mobile. i have explored parts of the world some adults will never see (you see how i did not include myself as an adult?!) i have lots of fears about family and marriage, and now add children to the mix. my eyes have become open to so many realities that make me wonder. can i do this?
it is truly a miracle, the gift of love, the gift of life. and i do still see it all as a gift, even though it is completely challenging and strange. conception, a mistery. birth, a miracle. training, impossible. and yet here i am. my mom and dad successfully raised two adults who are, i mean, basically amazing! :) and how that happened i'm completely unsure.
i don't want to be scared to have a husband and children but i am. this was the very thing i didn't want to happen as i was growing up. i was so determined to get married early so i would never be one of those people who were stuck in their ways when they got married (like my dad :)) but, that didn't happen. i wasn't ready for it those years earlier when i had the chance to make a silly decision to marry someone who didn't know what love really was. but do we ever know what love truly is until we learn to have it for others?
i keep thinking of how these things are all too big for me. i can't figure it out although i would like to. so i put this on the list of things that god will have to do for me, along with all those other things on that very long list. i think we want to understand the unknown, but we can't. i can't at least. and i have to be okay with that.
Monday, October 6, 2008
dosmantus bush
this is my beautiful bush - the kids and sandy call it the bubble gum bush but i prefer calling it the snowcone tree...cause that is what it smells like, a purple snowcone. i'm not sure anyone noticed it before i got here but it's my favorite and it's everywhere. a man at the tree placed watched me go up to it and breathe it in - he then looked at me and said, "dos mantus" and i just smiled cause i had no idea what that meant, but sandy thinks that's what it's name is - although i can't google it, so i'm skeptical as to what he was saying really. i love the scent in the air this autumn!
the trees along my walk are absolutely amazing. this is just the view up from one of them - i love trees so much!
another one of my favorite things - a cappuccino machine at the church. for a mere .50 euro you get yourself a sweet cup of caffe complete with cup, spoon and deliciousness. i love this machine!
Friday, October 3, 2008
quasi modo
we leave for sauris di sopra for the women's retreat. i feel yucky and am not excited about getting worse in my deformed state and teaching tomorrow but i guess i'm not opposed either.
i'm addicted to a new song called "could i" and i suggest you look it up online and listen to it over and over like i am. it is beautiful and reminds me that i always have the freedom to kneel down before me savior and be just who i am. he loves me a lot, and i love him for that.
actually, here's the link - you can just listen to it now!
enjoy resting in his arms!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
forgiveness is love
god is love
god is forgiveness
forgiveness is amazing!!!
i'm studying forgiveness because i am teaching on it this weekend at a weekend get away for the ladies at the church called the ladies breakthrough retreat. when sandy told me the two options open for me to teach i knew which one i would have. i knew it in my spirit because god has been pushing and prodding this area in my life, showing me how far i am from showing his love to others. it made me laugh a little. of course god, of course you picked that one for me.
we make forgiveness so complicated, which it is, because it's author is god. but it is also simple if we can see past the lies and into the truth. forgiveness was god's design to keep us free, free from bondage - and full in joy.
pray for me as i speak - that i wouldn't sound stupid :) that the spirit would work through me and work in the hearts and minds of the women receiving the lessons. pray that there would be peace and that god's love would be evident. pray that i wouldn't get ahead of the spirit.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
turning 26
at the end of the day, it's what makes the next worth living
at least that's what i'm beginning to think
i've always made a list of resolutions each year on my birthday. i love achieving goals, i love living as though i have a focus and something to work on. i think i've always been afraid of doing nothing with my life and i heard once that writing down a dream makes it more probable of being accomplish or something like that. i think it sounded much more motivational than what i just wrote but you get the point right?
so, on my birthday i sat down with my journal to write my list of hopes and dreams for myself this year and found myself a little stumped. i've done so much in these past two years and have been blessed in huge ways. who would have ever thought i would actually live in africa? and then being here now in italy, living and working?! have i ever mentioned that italy was supposed to be my honeymoon destination? i didn't want to come to italy before i got married - and now i am living here, without my husband (which is a little sad, but not too much). isn't that funny?! i've run a half-marathon, i've tried all the sports i wanted to try, i've traveled, i've eaten, i've experienced so much in my 26 years of life. it's pretty cool how much you can really live when you're intentional about it
my list became very small. #1 is to develop the curve in my neck - this i actually have control over and it is needed for my neck and shoulder comfort (my curve was knocked out in high school when my face was broken :) #2 is to continue to prayerfully pursue god's will for my future
that's it.
is that bad?
i know there are more things to do and pursue but many of my goals now are internal, and i'm not sure i can put a time limit on those things. also, goals require a small knowledge of location, and this is something i am not sure of for my next year. i only know what is now, and that is that i am in italy, with a straight and sore neck :)
i remember when some of my friends turned 26, 27, my mind they should've felt very old, but i feel very young, maybe younger than ever. tonight i was envious of little jessi while she was getting tucked into bed by her mom with a tape of adventures in odyssey playing on her cassette player. i want to be tucked in to listen to an adventure on tape while i drift to sleep. i want to be nurtured too. i want my mom and dad :)
we all are really just young at heart
i guess its hard to grow up because now i am responsible for myself, and no one is going to tuck me in to bed, and that has to be ok. and that is sad sometimes, don't you think? but i also get the chance now to pursue my dreams and live life to the fullest. and that is a great thing!
a secret? 26 feels almost just like 25, and maybe 24 too....
p.s. if anyone has good ideas for my year, goals to achieve that i may not be able to see - let me know, i'm open to suggestions! just as long as they're very fun and interesting! :)
birthday pic-a-nic
our toast to me - sparkling white grape juice in sippy cups
my birthday "cake" ... i didn't like the chocolate pieces, they tasted funny but that rectangle powdered sugar creme puff was delish!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
answers before the question
naomi was supposed to get married this month and i had been waiting to hear the date of her wedding to make my plans to return to africa, but i never heard and kept waiting. it was in this time that i felt moved to...move. i needed to take a risk and not sit waiting so decided to come to italy and thought that maybe i wasn't meant to make it to the wedding, and maybe i was meant to get back to africa. i didn't feel good about missing the wedding, we had been planning on it since day one really. i didn't understand why it wasn't working out.
i've wondered if i missed the wedding and maybe today was naomi's wedding day and i would just be missing out. i wondered if she tried to contact me but with cell phone's not having great service the messages never came to me...lots of wondering.
my sms went through to naomi and i was very happy, hoping she would know i haven't forgotten, that i haven't purposely kept from contacting her.
i received an sms this morning from my dear friend naomi - and guess what?!?! they decided to move the wedding to december 7th - the very time i had planned on going to africa after italy. i was thrilled - god had worked out the details in advance, perfectly, the plan fit together. my being in italy in no way kept me from naomi's wedding and what i had reluctantly decided on was actually the perfect decision. i keep thinking how awesome it is that god is so much bigger than we can even fathom. the plans that just seemed to be the only choice were exactly the plans needed for everything to work out. god allowed me this time in italy - for what, i still do not know, and then the perfect time to visit africa and seek his will for me there coincides with the wedding plans of the year. the song has been ringing in my ears - the song i sang in zambia on that one day - how great is our god, sing with me, how great is our god....
i love it!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
the thin line
i know that it is important to share the gospel - but how important is it to share an opinion? i think i would like to scoot away from confrontation, and i understand that about myself and how it isn't always a good thing to avoid. some things need to be spoken, right or wrong, just to get them out of your mind and into the light. exposed. but some things, i wonder if it causes more harm than good.
like yoga. we as christians have convictions that others do not share. even other christians do not agree on these convictions. is it important to share these, to debate these? sometimes i'd rather not. but then maybe we would just be keeping things on the surface and not getting to the deeper truths, or deeper discussions? i don't have an answer, but these are my questions.
and what does it mean to be a good witness? i believe true love and faith conquers all. and what about joy? fear of the influence of something - is that a good testimony? i just don't think it is. to fear yoga, to fear false teachers or prophets....or would we call it awareness? it is good to be aware. but not to fear. fear gives power where power ought not be.
i know i don't have things figured out. and i don't want to criticize. i wonder if sometimes i feel like i have all the answers and how silly i must appear to those who are wiser than myself - these people are many.
i err on the side of love, compassion i think. maybe i'm too soft. maybe i am too wounded from the legalism i grew up with. and maybe, just maybe i need to let that go and learn to forgive those false teachers and prophets and get back to the middle of moderation. god is teaching me things, revealing my criticism of those legalists who have crushed grace to a mere word, and i've reacted. my life has been a sort of reaction at times, and i know this isn't right either.
that thin line of moderation
Friday, September 12, 2008
posso avarre un pallina di fragola?
well, if the book cover says it, it must be true.
so i asked rob how to say the most important thing to me right now..."posso averre un cono con una pallina di coco" this is translated to mean, "i would like a cone with a scoop of coconut"...gelato that is. yes, please memorize this sentence if you plan on traveling to italia and feel free to change the flavor at the end
on my way home today from getting un cono di cookie i spilt chocolate on my green pants and felt a bit awkward with my big brown spot and my floppy shoes that don't fit. i am not italian quality when it comes down to it. there is very little outward class in this girl (when speaking of clothing...i am quite the classy lady otherwise) i kept telling myself over and over that i am a poor missionary girl and have no need to worry about clothing. this did not make me feel any better about my brown spotted chocolate pants or my floppy shoes
i've been reading some good books and god has been challenging me on some thing. i think it is interesting how he challenges me more when i am overseas. or maybe it is me who is different, maybe i'm more available to his voice when i am away from all the other noises i choose to listen to....maybe...
so, a few things.
first - " so many of us, after having entered into some of the deeper realities of our lord, seek to immediately pull or push others into this wonderful advancement; and then we wonder why they are so slow to learn, and seemingly apathetic in their understanding and concern. we so easily forget the many years it took, and what wandering wilderness ways our lord had to traverse with us to bring us over jordan and into canaan"
yep....that's a difficult one to remember, but god's been patient a very long time, teaching me so gently my need for him. and yet i want to have greater expectations of others than the god of the universe has for me. how can that be right?!
second - "doing is right enough, in itself, but the order ought to be from happiness to work, and not work to be happy. it is from the inner circle, the hive, the heart where christ reigns, the only green spot, the fond enclosure - the sanctuary, that one should come forth to work. the quality of one's work depends on the nature of one's rest - and the rest should be like his own, know and enjoyed with him"
i find myself in a regular struggle with law vs. freedom - work vs. rest and this passage made me think, i really need to get to a place of rest in the lord, before the work, my work, can have full effect...because then it's not me anymore, but him doing it in and through me.
both of these quotes come from the same chapter titled "cultivation" in the green letters by miles j. stanford.
i'm also reading "the return of the prodigal son" by henri j. m. nouwen and i would recommend it to all.
some sections - "as long as i keep running about asking: 'do you love me? do you really love me?' i give all power to the voices of the world and put myself in bondage because the world is filled with 'ifs'...the worlds love is and always will be conditional. as long as i keep looking for my true self in the world of conditional love, i will remain 'hooked' to the world - trying, failing, and trying long as we live within the world's delusions, our addictions condemn us to futile quests in 'the distant country,' leaving us to face an endless series of disillusionments while our sense of self remains unfilled....why do i keep ignoring the place of true love and persist in looking for it elsewhere? why do i keep leaving home where i am called a child of god, the beloved of my father? i am constantly surprised at how i keep taking the gifts god has give me - my health, my intellectual and emotional gifts - and keep using them to impress people, receive affirmation and praise, and compete for rewards, instead of developing them for the glory of's almost as if i want to prove to myself and to my world that i do not need god's love, that i can make a life on my own, that i want to be fully independent" - henri j.m. nouwen
lots to think about! e vero!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
yes, this is a mcdonalds....of course it has a winding staircase!
this is a princess castle with a draw bridge...i was impressed. monte forte
behind riley and rob is the place we went for lunch, just a regular restaurant, and it's gorgeous! i had the pizza bianco rossa which was a thin pizza with cheese melted with scoops of ricotta and cherry tomatoes on top...oh goodness!
it is just about time for grape picking. i tried one of these and it was really good. the grape vines are heavy everywhere! i love it! we were in soave and the wine in this area is mainly white wine called soave classico, delicioso!
black knee
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
little noise in my room
tonight we went to an old church, sandy said it's called an ex-church, where the town goes now for concerts, weddings, ceremonies, art shows, etc. tonight the men's choir from sacile was hosting a concert with a choir from venezuela. sandy and i went to see the choirs perform, there were three in all. the first choir was the local men's choir, who were amazing. the second choir was from a province a bit more south and their director was flamboyant with wild hair and a seemingly interesting personality. what i liked about this choir though was that one of the men, probably in his late 30's to early 40's sang almost every song holding his little girl in his arms. she was silent and peaceful while he sang and i thought of how wonderful it would be to fall asleep in the arms of a singing father. i loved that.
the third choir was this girls choir from venezuela and they performed songs from all over the world. the youngest was probably around 10 yrs old and the oldest maybe a senior in high school - and they were good! they not only sang but they acted and used their bodies as instruments of the song as they swayed, shimmied, and moved like a marching band at times. i was impressed, amused, and a little uncomfortable with some of the very traditional spirit-like songs from other worlds.
it was a fun night, we went to get a drink afterwards with gelato for the kids. heck, who doesn't go out at midnight with the kids for some ice-cream? everyone was out, it was normal. the night life is the good life in italia.
earlier today riley was teaching me some italian. when i asked him what to say when approaching someone on the street that you don't know but you want to greet them he said, "you wouldn't say anything miss megan, because when you don't know someone that means they're a stranger, and they could be a bad person who wants to be your friend and make you do bad things" :) riley has been teaching me a lot!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
double knee
flying first class is what everyone should do if they have money to do it. i am blessed, and i understand that. i had a mimosa before i even had a chance to sit down, and then a blanket, and a bigger pillow than i've ever seen on an airplane, and i sat in a seat that turned into a bed. yep, a bed. i got a copy of usa today and a steak dinner - all 4 courses of this dinner. first came the stuffed olives, then the freshly made salad, then the steak dinner, then the chocolate cheesecake with coffee. i passed out after the meal and fell asleep on my bed after applying some of the lip balm and lotion that they gave me in a terry cloth pouch along with the eye cover thingy i put on. i layed down, went to sweet beddie bye only to wake an hour before we landed in venice. sweet flying! the only negative i could state was the air hostess lady scolded me because i wore jeans and pointed out that i was a non-rev customer...i was a little embarassed about this, but not enough to get upset over!
my first day in italia.
we drove from venice to sacile and dropped my things off at the house. we then went to a restaurant and ate pizza and lana, my wool, came and i ate some of her salad while she ate some of my pizza and we talked about god and what it means to pursue him. riley and jessie (rob and sandy's kids) were excited to see me, which made me feel very special, and jessie wanted to hold my hand a lot. it's nice to be loved by children! After lunch we all went to our homes and i tied my hair back in a ponytail because it is hot and humid here. i went out to the curb to wait for lana to come pick me up for her hair appointment at a local air force wife's house where she illegally works in her basement cutting hair. too many details, right? so we come home and lana leaves...i say i'm going to take a shower and go downstairs to my room and fall asleep on the bed for a few hours. whoopsie! again, too many details.
so the point of my very long story...sandy and i went for a walk after dinner and it was nice to be out. it had just been raining and it was very wet and humid outside. we walked through the center of town, down a alley with high apartments on either side, down the cobblestone streets, over a high bridge, and, whoops, i slipped on the wet wood and landed on my knee. it hurt, a lot. not the cry sort of hurt, but the ouch pain sort of hurt. i didn't like it. i picked myself up and felt the pain as we kept walking until it got so bad that i had to take a look...yep...i had two knees on my left leg instead of just one. i was swollen, huge! we had to keep walking home as i felt a little sorry for myself but totally okay with my risky fall. by the time we got home and i showed rob he told me i have a "double knee" and advised me not to show any boys my leg until it heals....nice. i iced my knee and it looks almost normalish now. i should have taken a picture first to show you, bummer! all in all it's been a fun day, and tomorrow is friday, wonderful!
now i'm going to bed.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
now i've already got my ticket to philly, will arrive with a couple hours to wait again until i get onto my flight to venice. i still don't like flying, but i think i'll get better and better at it as the day goes on. what choice do i have anyway?
people here talk funny, and i think its strange that they must think i talk funny too. accents are weird. there are a lot of africans working here at the airport too.
i'm not fluent in italian yet...but i know that once i pull out my phrasebook and get started i will be well on my way! :)
Monday, September 1, 2008
i think i have an anxiety problem.
i leave for italia in two days, not even two...maybe one and a half. i am excited, getting more excited as the day approaches and all comes together. thank goodness for my parents who take care of me through it all. sometimes i wonder if it's worse living with them, like somehow i lose all ability to do anything on my own while i have them to lean on. i like being independent, but i am grateful for my parents who are here to talk with me through my anxiety and give me lots of hugs. i think before a big step like this i revert back to little girl megan, the one who just wants to lay on her mom's lap and have her back scratched. i gotta get all the comforts of home before taking off!
i think back to my first year of summer camp, i was too scared, i stayed home at the last minute...i wasn't ready. the next year i went and cried, literally, the entire time. so strange because i was always the strong one - miss independent. but there's something about leaving that stirs a need within me. i feel it even now, a child-like desire to just be held safe. now as an adult i am at that point where i need to practice my security in my father's arms, because he has been holding me safe all along. its a vulnerable thing, this growing up process. exciting and yet very fragile.
so, pray for me, as i head along on my way towards italia. lots of voices in my head that want to keep me in a place of fear of failure and defeat, believing words spoken before, believing that i will be as alone in italia as i was in africa....and i know it isn't true, i know it won't be true, but it's a fight between truth and the lies of the past, the fears of the future. pray that i will choose to rest in the truth of god's love and in the presence of his arms.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i think it's tricky, and very sneaky, how things creep in and take overmaybe a personmaybe an eventmaybe it's just a collection of thoughts that won't seem to go awayand i sit and stewi ruminatei get distracted

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
in some ways i'm jealous of the one's that get to stay. they remain in the comfort of friends, i will be challenged to make new friends...again. i will be unknown....again, just like six months ago when i came "home". i am leaving my new comforts, my new routines, my new friends and family...
- these things matter to me - it's scary
i'm trying hard not to withdraw, but i think i'm being withdrawn from. my heart is not to hurt anyone, but it is to follow a purpose for my life. i guess that hurts some people. i know it must seem like i don't care, because i am so abrupt and matter-of-fact about it. but that is only to hide my fear, to hide my need for you to promise you won't forget about me...
rest assured there is more going on inside.
there always is.
i'm a fragile flower
Monday, August 18, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
i would tuck it under my chin and make sure it was touching my cheek
i remember the day i decided i was too old for my blankie
i folded the torn quilt my grams made for me
and placed it in the top drawer of my dresser
i still need to have something under my chin to sleep well
i was thinking about how nice it would be to take my blankie with me everywhere i went. i can imagine that if i just had it with me when i was in an uncomfortable situation, in a group of people i didn't really fit in with, on a date with a boy that made me feel more nervous than good...i could crawl up under it, or place it on my lap - a little layer of protection and comfort from the world that sometimes seems so unsure and uninviting.
a good friend is like a blankie. i had a good friend with me this weekend. my ginna love came to visit for a few days and i took her everywhere i went and she was my comfort. i had someone in my corner, someone who was true, a comfort zone from awkward or new relationships, i had her by my side. i liked it, a lot. like maybe that's what i've been missing these past few...well, almost a couple years. the person standing on my side of the ring, someone that i can curl up in to.
i can't take my parents with me anymore, i can't take blankie with me anymore either. but if you find me laying on your floor with a blanket, curled like a baby...then you know i feel safe with you, and, in your presence i am home.
Friday, August 1, 2008
lemoncello and books
i'm glad i've done fun things since being back and not just sat and felt sorry for myself. we are making lemoncello, my mother, friend and i. we started a few weeks after i returned from africa and we are still only half done. i hear a voice in the back of my mind reminding me that all good things take time. i am also reminded how easy it would be to never really do anything in life but move from one impulse to the next. ah the tricky balance. i do feel as though i walk a very thin line.
and then there is the ever constant thought of love, and what my future will hold for my husband. i don't ever want to feel desperate, although i do travel that road in my mind from time to time. a good friend told me a few days ago that it has to be better than this, what i've got right now, which isn't anything but a mind full of ideas and beliefs, only some of which are actually true. she expressed a hope in something good and beautiful and...hopeful. a place i haven't allowed myself in a very long time for whatever reason. the settling had begun in my heart, the root of misplaced love and dreams, now springing up a love tree that resembles a desert-living plant. it can survive years without a good watering, it can withstand the persistent scorching sun, because there is no choice, that is what it has been made for. but my friend made me think that maybe my love tree doesn't need to be a desert dwelling plant. i'd like for it to be a cherry tree, because they're beautiful, and fragrant, and just looking at one makes me smile. i suppose some root-pulling is in order? or maybe just some living water? transformation isn't something i can do alone, not at all actually.
i've been reading this book called, eat, pray, love by elizabeth gilbert. it is a bit awkward with the new-age content but i loved the text i read last night:
"people think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone
wants. but a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything
that's holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you
can change your life. a true soul mate is probably the most important person
you'll ever meet, because they tear down your walls and smack you awake. but to
live with a soul mate forever? nah. too painful. soul mates, they come into your
life just to reveal another layer of yourself to you, and then they leave. and
thank god for it."
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Sunday, July 20, 2008
my pops
my dad has made me breakfast ever since i was teeny tiny. he made me waffles this morning, put out the peanut butter, just the way i like it. even brought me a mug of coffee. he did guilt me into eating some strange processed meat product that had chunks of cheese infused into the middle but when he wasn't looking i shared it with the boys. "but i made it for you" he said...
he used to give me the toy inside the cereal (as long as ben didn't want it). he also used to pack my lunch every day for school. and when i told him i hated peanut butter and honey, he switched me over to cheap sliced meat sandwiches until i decided that i was a vegetarian, and then he started again with the peanut butter and jelly (which i prefer to honey any day).
he's fixed everything and anything that i've needed. and i was just thinking today of how difficult it will be to try to find someone even half as great as he is. i hear stories of men who can't do anything for themselves and i wonder if i'll cut it as a wifey. so anyways, while i was thinking this my dad had just come home, or maybe it was me who had just come home, but either way he was going to get some strawberries out to eat and i asked him if i could have some too.
"do you want them sliced?" he asked. "nope, i like 'em just regular" i replied. i continued on with my task until he called out that the strawberries were ready. i walked into the kitchen to see a most glorious sight. he had sliced my strawberries, and covered them with a couple scoops of ice cream, whipped cream and topped with chocolate shavings. i was in awe. i picked it up, spirit smiling with my incredible luck and turned to go back to my task as i did a face dive directly into the whipped cream.
i had almost sat down when i heard a, "hey!" and a chuckle and then a, "you little bugger, where'd my strawberries go!?" it came from the pops....
i laughed as i brought the bowl back to the kitchen, he was shaking his head. "i thought you made this for me!" i said. but he hadn't, i looked on the counter and saw another bowl, with whole strawberries sitting in it, naked from the lack of ice cream, whipped cream or chocolate sprinkles...humbled, i grabbed my bowl and went back to my task.
he said he'd fix mine up for me if i wanted it like his...he totally would have done that for me if i'd asked. and that's why he's so great...and i'm so lazy. :)
Friday, July 4, 2008
i worry that you'd rather not hear me mention his name
like i'm always bringing him up in conversation
like my life somehow is centered in him
like i can't talk about anything else
you could say that i'm obsessed, in-love
i just know that this is the one man i have found meaning in
he completes me
he truly is the other part that makes me whole
he is my whole
and yet i am still me
i don't want to offend you, really
but i want to be who i am
and how can i be myself and leave him out of it
i can't, its not possible
i'll feel a void if i do, like you won't know my heart
like you won't know my life
if i can't share him with you
i don't want to shove him on you, you don't have to like him
but is it okay if i love him? is it okay that i want you to see
how he's made my life different,
how i have hope when i think of him
his character
his love?
i don't want to be cautious all the time
i don't like hiding from those in front of me
as though my heart is unacceptable
so maybe this is what it means
to take the risk of loving someone
even if it means losing someone else
i mean, i'd want someone who loved me to love me beyond other's opinions
so shouldn't i be willing to do the same
isn't that what love's about?
Thursday, July 3, 2008
forgetting and remembering
i was remembering when i was teaching naomi how to sing, "hood rat, hood rat, hoochie mamma" and i smiled...its funny
i laugh as i remember given singing my chimegemege song with her hand grabbing her crotch like some gangster...they assumed i taught her that one, but i assuredly did not!
i remember what it meant to be a woman there, the lack of opportunity, choices, and freedom.
i laugh when i remember sneaking out (only for me it didn't seem like sneaking out as I was living alone) and walking through the night air with the huge moon hanging above us girls as we nervously made the trek to the house of dancing. a friend was getting married and still participated in traditional wedding practices. i felt uncomfortable as i sat on the wet grass in front of the house, the deep sound of frogs croaking in the background, a woman beside me in squat position dipping a freshly killed chicken into a pot of hot water and pulling out the feathers. i can still smell the scent of blood. it was hot and rich, i felt like puking. maybe this would be a good time to return to vegetarianism. the women watched my expressions as the chicken was plucked and portioned, they laughed at my discomfort. they were preparing a meal for the grooms family, the girl had to prove she knew how to cook.
when it was time we took off our shoes and went into the small house. everything that once was in the house as a furnishing was now in the front yard to make room for the woman who were to sit on the floor in typical l-shaped fashion. i sat and watched the women, drinking their maheu, a form of home fermented beer that was cheap and toxic. the big obnoxious woman with a red face stained from her skin lightening cream sat next to me. rather, she sat on top of me, wanting to be close to the only mzungu around. the stench of her made me sick, alcohol seeped from her pores. i wanted to leave but was excited to see the rituals. besides, the women were expecting me to dance.
the house was full of women, all expectant, all with small wads of kwacha stuffed into the chitenge. three women entered the room and sat in the only chairs. they positioned their drums firmly between their legs and began to beat the rhythm into the air. the women began to ululate and wave their arms. we all wanted to get started and were instantly excited when we saw the human snake of three women crawling on their hands and knees, heat to butt, draped with a cloth, making their way into the room. others moved out of the way to accommodate the snake as it slowly and intentionally made its way to the side of the room, swaying to the sound of the beat.
the mother of the bride kneeled in front of the ladies who were now sitting up against the wall, only her daughter now covered as the other two, her aunties sat beside her, fully nude from the waist up. the drumming began again and the mother began to dance before her daughter. to my american eyes it was exotic, inappropriate almost, but she was teaching her daughter the ways of a woman. the mother slowly unveiled her daughter to the crowd, bare breasted and head hung low out of respect, she was presented.
the dancing continued and the bride seemingly forgotten. she kept her head low as the elder woman began to dance, one to three at a time in the middle of the room they displayed their craft of movement as others stuffed kwacha into the dancer's waist wrap.
i wanted to pay attention and see everything but was crushed by the weight of the red-faced lady and disgusted by her proximity mixed with her scent. i needed to get out of the house, i needed to go home. the women drank more, laughed louder, and my heart hurt for the emptiness. i crawled out the front door only to be told i must dance.
so i did. i danced, and made money, and moved to the beat of those drums as they called out. i kept my eyes on pragcidence, my friend and teacher, she knew the moves, just follow after me, she said. and i did, feeling like beyonce had nothing on us. we danced for the bride, showing honor to the mother, to the elders, to our tribes. her being the bemba, mine being the mzungu's.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
to reduce
the verse says that it is not by man's desire or effort but by god's mercy...and i don't really get that. i mean, i want to get it to the point where it feels natural to follow it. but it doesn't. how do i stop desiring? how can i expect to see anything if i stop trying? control? i understand i really can't do it on my own. i've been thinking about those people who aren't christians, who are free to do these things by their own power and ability...and they succeed, they overcome, they heal, they what's the difference? is it that big hole that is still throbbing within them, the yearning for something more, someone to trust in other than themselves? but i am still struggling to make sense of it. to be "free" in bondage to christ. to let him do all, be all, heal all, so where am i allowed to do something? or is doing something my lack of surrender? how long do i wait?
the diet is necessary i know. i see the damaging effects on my spirit, mind, body and a change needs to be made. but am i trying to change myself? am i following after the "ways of man" or am i making healthy choices that could point to god? maybe i also need to be on a diet from legalism, this idea i have in my mind that if i don't analyze my intentions long and hard and find that god is at the center than i have failed.
does anyone else know the bondage of legalism like i do? the lack of freedom disguised as the path to freedom, the obscene lie? do you know it like i know it? hows does one really get free from the chains? that's what i'd like to know.....
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
acceptance from miles j. stanford's green letters
"to believe, and to consent to be loved while unworthy, is the great secret
to refuse to make resolution and vows; for that is to trust in the flesh
to expect to be blessed, though realizing more and more lack of worth
to rely on god's chastening hands as a mark of his
kindnessto 'hope to be better' (hence acceptable) is to fail to see yourself in christ only
to be disappointed with yourself is to have believed in yourself
to be discouraged is unbelief - as to god's purpose and plan of blessing for you
to be proud, is to be blind! for we have no standing before god in ourselves
the lack of divine blessing, therefore, comes from unbelief, and not from failure of devotion
to preach devotion first, and blessing second, is to reverse god's order, and preach law, not grace. the law made man's blessing depend on devotion; grace confers undeserved, unconditional blessing: our devotion may follow, but does not always do so - in proper measure" wm. r. newell
have we always been afraid to believe god? have some even been afraid to allow others to really believe him? we must never forget that "god's ways are not always man's ways. to some men constant peril is the only spur to action, and many religions and psychologies are dependent on fear to keep their disciples in line. fear, too, has a place in christianity, but god has higher and more effective motivations than fear, and one of these is love. often fear after a while produces only numbness, but love thrives on love. to promise a man the certainty of his destiny may seem, on the human level, like playing with fire; but this leaves god out of the picture. those who have the deepest appreciation for grace do not continue to sin, moreover, fear produces the obedience of slaves; love engenders the obedience of sons" j.w. sanderson, jr.