Monday, October 6, 2008

dosmantus bush

this is the view as i'm walking into the town center...autumn is now!

this is my beautiful bush - the kids and sandy call it the bubble gum bush but i prefer calling it the snowcone tree...cause that is what it smells like, a purple snowcone. i'm not sure anyone noticed it before i got here but it's my favorite and it's everywhere. a man at the tree placed watched me go up to it and breathe it in - he then looked at me and said, "dos mantus" and i just smiled cause i had no idea what that meant, but sandy thinks that's what it's name is - although i can't google it, so i'm skeptical as to what he was saying really. i love the scent in the air this autumn!

the trees along my walk are absolutely amazing. this is just the view up from one of them - i love trees so much!

another one of my favorite things - a cappuccino machine at the church. for a mere .50 euro you get yourself a sweet cup of caffe complete with cup, spoon and deliciousness. i love this machine!

this is the group shot from our ladies retreat. it snowed the first night we were there and the mountains were in view covered with white. it was amazing there and we had an amazing time!!! i will write more about this later but wanted to show you just a glimpse

1 comment:

Ginna said...

Lovin' the cappuccino machine!!!! And the tree too:). You know I love trees. But let's just be honest... the cappuccino machine looks SA-WEET!!!!! Miss you Megalicious!!!