Wednesday, October 1, 2008


forgiveness is divine
forgiveness is love
god is love
god is forgiveness

forgiveness is amazing!!!

i'm studying forgiveness because i am teaching on it this weekend at a weekend get away for the ladies at the church called the ladies breakthrough retreat. when sandy told me the two options open for me to teach i knew which one i would have. i knew it in my spirit because god has been pushing and prodding this area in my life, showing me how far i am from showing his love to others. it made me laugh a little. of course god, of course you picked that one for me.

we make forgiveness so complicated, which it is, because it's author is god. but it is also simple if we can see past the lies and into the truth. forgiveness was god's design to keep us free, free from bondage - and full in joy.

pray for me as i speak - that i wouldn't sound stupid :) that the spirit would work through me and work in the hearts and minds of the women receiving the lessons. pray that there would be peace and that god's love would be evident. pray that i wouldn't get ahead of the spirit.


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