Saturday, January 31, 2009

19 things

i find that the people who are un-attractive become more and more beautiful as you spend time with them

i also find that many of the beautiful ones become un-attractive as you spend more and more time with them

i experience great satisfaction in finishing things, like food, or hair products or lotion. i am a minimalist at heart, i like things to be simple, i even admire an almost empty fridge. i think i'd prefer to live week to week than to store up for months with super sized products.

chaos prohibits me from functioning....or maybe visa versa. you will know how i am doing depending on the chaos in my life. if my room/house is a mess, you should ask me what i'm running from.

i haven't learned the art of rest. i am always active and abundant in energy, even if it appears that i am just sitting silently, i am turning something over and over in my mind. rest is a goal of mine.

i would rather be poor in money and rich in life than the other way around

i would like to own nothing but have options available to me. i'd like to shop and drop, pick up one day, return the next. always changing, never cluttering. i'd like that.

i am a nutritionist stuck in a sugar addicts body

i would rather have reckless passion than be level-headed

i create new reality in my head, you may need to remind me of the reality that you see

i crave adventure and will never settle down for a life that's ordinary

i'm willing to try almost anything once

i am stronger than i think i am and appear stronger than i feel

i really like dirt, and depending on my mineral levels, would gladly ask you to make me a dirt smoothie

i am an idealist who can't live up to her own ideals

i am megamochabombs

i am a mighty one, a victorious spirit

i am bupe lukundo chimegemege

i am a contradiction

Saturday, January 24, 2009


when i think of you my first thought:
you were a virus to me, a disease
and at second glance, a disappointment
third....i can see that you gave me something else
my eyes were opened to what i needed
who i am
and who i'd like to be
you challenged my generalizations
and asked me to think beyond the surface
you told me to be honest
and let me be
even if you weren't...
i appreciated that, growth and honesty
steps closer to a life fuller
even fuller without you

now i'll choose which memories to keep
and which to throw away

Friday, January 16, 2009

begging the question

i have something to say
can someone please pass the soap box?

why is it that we sell ourselves? we actually market ourselves to others by telling them all our awesome adventures, giving them the inside scoop to our hearts and minds. we tell them our favorites before they even ask.

i've been thinking of this a lot lately and maybe it is because i have been giving all sorts of short cuts into the life of megan. and i began to think that it's pretty lame actually. why shouldn't you take the time to know me? why shouldn't you ask me questions about myself? why don't we take a walk down that road, beginning to dance that dance, and learn what it means to be us, together. i'd like you to call me and ask me about my day, i don't want facebook to tell you. i want you to go on adventures with me and learn about my likes and dislikes, i don't want you to read it on a list of "megan's likes and dislikes".

it's been said time and time again that i desire to be known. but i'm realizing that i desire it so much i'm just telling everyone before i even decide if i want them to know me at all. looking for love in all the wrong places, this describes my life so far. almost to the point where i'd sell myself for a fraction, a reflection, a fraud of love....and in the meantime i'm giving up the only real love i've ever known, the truth of god.

it is about time we start valuing ourselves and others more to avoid the short cuts and be willing to take time. all great things take time, and i see that we, as americans in particular, have forgotten the sweetest things, the things of actual value. we try to buy pre-packaged love. "yes, i'll take the love in a can. make that two please" and then we even tip. we've distorted love and life and lowered it to a thing to be bought or sold....but somehow, we're still giving it away. i can't grasp it all, it's complex and disturbing to me. i've found this in myself and i'm tired of the consequences.

today, from this point, there will be no short cuts into the world of megan.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

when you stop caring

never, i guess
although you might try to make it seem like you've stopped
when everything around you disappoints
and the people you hoped to hope in let you down
then you'd like to believe you don't care
when things just don't make sense anymore
and you've done yourself no favors
maybe god has left you too, or so it seems
the numbness spreads and the walls are built higher
and you think that you've stopped the process
of caring
you haven't
you can't
it's just a lie to tell yourself, i tell myself, when it hurts too much
to care
but i hope i never stop caring

Thursday, January 8, 2009

my africa

i love your red dirt and
green foliage
i love your smell
and your beads
i love your smile
your blue skies
and vibrant beats
your rhythm
is the rhythm of my heart

Thursday, January 1, 2009

a mirror

your pride is insulting
your weakness, pitiful
your lack of self-respect, undesirable
your lies, cutting
your lack of love, damaging
you push against everything that you need
and accept everything that will destroy you
your apathy is appalling
and the worst part...
you are me
and i am you
and i hate that
you are a mirror for me
revealing inside of you
what i shudder to see
inside of me