Friday, July 4, 2008


i love jesus, yes i do, i love that okay with you?

i worry that you'd rather not hear me mention his name
like i'm always bringing him up in conversation
like my life somehow is centered in him
like i can't talk about anything else

you could say that i'm obsessed, in-love
i just know that this is the one man i have found meaning in
he completes me
he truly is the other part that makes me whole
he is my whole
and yet i am still me

i don't want to offend you, really
but i want to be who i am
and how can i be myself and leave him out of it
i can't, its not possible
i'll feel a void if i do, like you won't know my heart
like you won't know my life
if i can't share him with you

i don't want to shove him on you, you don't have to like him
but is it okay if i love him? is it okay that i want you to see
how he's made my life different,
how i have hope when i think of him
his character
his love?

i don't want to be cautious all the time
i don't like hiding from those in front of me
as though my heart is unacceptable

so maybe this is what it means
to take the risk of loving someone
even if it means losing someone else

i mean, i'd want someone who loved me to love me beyond other's opinions
so shouldn't i be willing to do the same
isn't that what love's about?

1 comment:

April said...

I've lost this megan marie. I don't know how to get it back.