Sunday, March 15, 2009


i was challenged recently with my tension between roots and routes, the clear difference and how one can stunt the other. and then today, the message was on psalm 1. i want to be like a tree planted by a stream, to produce fruit, to prosper. the point was made that just because we are near the stream doesn't mean our roots will reach the water, that takes work. the message was on meditation. spending time. intention.

its no surprise that i am rootless, it's been two years now of wandering...two years of changing scenes, faces, houses, beds, climates, everything. i grow fond of something or someone and know that in a few short months, or even weeks, i'll say goodbye. the search for the greater good, somehow, has led to a dis-jointed and detached megan. i do not intend to say that it has all been a mistake, no. but i think i am learning, doing some necessary growing, and finding that there is more to life than the adventure, and some things need to take priority in order to be healthy and full. relationships have always come first, haven't they? before location or seems that this is true.

so now it is time that i wonder, where do i put down my roots? i would ask that you would pray for me, for direction and peace as i aim to hear his words and follow his promptings on where this tree is meant to be planted! thanks!


Bonnie said...

Nice tree pic! And yes, you will be in my thoughts and prayers as you seek guidance.

Anonymous said...

I often feel like that too Meg,