Sunday, March 15, 2009

60 minutes

just a little rant. tonight on 60 minutes a lady named alice waters was being interviewed. she is an advocate for slow food and is teaching children how to garden as well as cook. it was an inspiration to me to see the last few minutes of the show since my desires toward the same things have been growing. but the interviewer treated miss alice as though she was some sort of idealist to believe that somehow we as a country could actually grow food, cook, and live without a microwave. and i thought this was absolutely ridiculous. the interviewer appeared to be in her 50's at least....and i kept asking myself, "where did she grow up?!" my parents who are also around her age grew up on farms, ate the food they grew, cooked, and did not own a microwave. most of the country operated like this "back then" didn't they?! so how is it that she thinks this can't be done. that it's idealistic? have we forgotten just the few years before where this was how the world operated? it seems as though we know it's a healthier way of life, but we can't imagine how we ever did it before. how we actually touched dirt. those years before the drive-thru when we still ate food every few hours.

she complained about the expense of it all, which i understand right now that organic foods are priced outrageously compared to their chemical counterparts, but hey, don't the poorest countries in the world grow their own organic vegetables in order to survive? it does not take a rich african to have a self-sustainable farm. yes, it does take a few things, but how did the natural way somehow become more expensive?!

i came home in january completely open-eyed to the silliness of paying for a gym membership when i was created with a body that works and can function outside. it's like what we were designed for has now become a luxury only afforded to americans who are willing to pay. what is that all about? i feel like we've traded in our actual freedom for convenience, believing that convenience was going to set us free from all that bothersome work....but it's actually just killing us, or at least that is how it appears.



Bonnie said...

preach it, Megs. I would like to garden with you one day.

GrammyB said...

I just went to SC for Caleb's graduation from boot camp and a jaunt of 24 hrs to the beach with Chadd & Kim. She said their microwave broke 2 years ago and they have never gotten a new one! I can't guarantee they have a garden, but I think they do. She cooks from "scratch," making sure her men have plenty to eat when they come in from mowing. (52 yards a week.) I know she picks blueberries for her pancakes - that is what she made Chadd for his birthday breakfast... Blueberry pancakes.. They are pregnant with #8, she home schools and they work hard and enjoy each other.... and make it without a microwave ... what a novel idea ?!?!?!?!