Wednesday, June 17, 2009


i wonder if it's a lack of clever-ity that keeps me coming back to you
i suspect that might be true, and it has me questioning my focus, my world

last night a hummingbird flew under the umbrella where i was sitting and we shared the space
just for a moment, i felt like the luckiest girl in the world
an omen, a promise
at the very least, beauty. a good and perfect gift.

today i spent some time pruning the garden here at this amazing house
i hate pruning when it comes to my heart, my fruit or the lack thereof.
but i saw the beauty in it, the love in allowing something that is struggling for energy, for nutrients, to survive. pruning gets rid of something dead and dry, and opens up the life flow for a struggling shoot that still has the possibility to survive.
God's pruning seems mean to me sometimes, but it's really love. he wouldn't prune something that is alive, he prunes the deadness, the ineffective...the once living...

again, a hummingbird, slowly, bit by bit, drinking in the nectar, oh, now it rests, so small and beautiful. bright pink enhances the picture, adding a vibrancy that catches my eye, invigorating my senses.

my strength is coming back, or maybe i am taking the strength i've always had with me. it's really not mine, but i can claim it as such. take your strength megan, your peace, your victory.

take your love.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

I love that hummingbird!