i find that the people who are un-attractive become more and more beautiful as you spend time with them
i also find that many of the beautiful ones become un-attractive as you spend more and more time with them
i experience great satisfaction in finishing things, like food, or hair products or lotion. i am a minimalist at heart, i like things to be simple, i even admire an almost empty fridge. i think i'd prefer to live week to week than to store up for months with super sized products.
chaos prohibits me from functioning....or maybe visa versa. you will know how i am doing depending on the chaos in my life. if my room/house is a mess, you should ask me what i'm running from.
i haven't learned the art of rest. i am always active and abundant in energy, even if it appears that i am just sitting silently, i am turning something over and over in my mind. rest is a goal of mine.
i would rather be poor in money and rich in life than the other way around
i would like to own nothing but have options available to me. i'd like to shop and drop, pick up one day, return the next. always changing, never cluttering. i'd like that.
i am a nutritionist stuck in a sugar addicts body
i would rather have reckless passion than be level-headed
i create new reality in my head, you may need to remind me of the reality that you see
i crave adventure and will never settle down for a life that's ordinary
i'm willing to try almost anything once
i am stronger than i think i am and appear stronger than i feel
i really like dirt, and depending on my mineral levels, would gladly ask you to make me a dirt smoothie
i am an idealist who can't live up to her own ideals
i am megamochabombs
i am a mighty one, a victorious spirit
i am bupe lukundo chimegemege
i am a contradiction