Monday, January 11, 2010


these days it seems the only comfort food i have left is cheerios. and actually, i don't really like cheerios as much as i like the trader joes brand, joes o's. yes, i think this might be my favorite food.

i think it's funny that both apes and i are thinking/writing about food right now. i just read her blog about doughnuts. the only thing i can figure is that we are the same person, just with different body types. i remember going to a physical trainer when i was like, 17, you know, because i was so "fat" and the trainer asked me to write down everything i ate over the span of a couple days. i returned to him with my very very long list that didn't quite include everything i had actually eaten. he read and looked at me astonished. "i don't know why you aren't obese!" ha, i don't know either, but at that moment of my life i thought, "but, i am". crazy little girl that i was.

last night the icebreaker in my c-group was about comfort foods. i don't think i have any anymore. i chew bubble gum for comfort. i can make it through an entire pack in one car ride. i'm not talking mint flavor, i'm talking the kind of gum that is made of sugar entirely, that goes hard and bitter after about 10 of my stressful chomps on it. that's the comfort i crave, that sugar that flows directly into my blood stream...and gives me a jaw-ache.

i eat a potato every day for lunch. my life is becoming sad. :) something interesting that i read in genesis was a passage about abraham, when the three guys came to him (God) to tell him that he was gonna be a daddy...he served them meat, milk and butter. hmmmm.....if God eats it, shouldn't i? really, that's besides the point of my decision for the year, it isn't about what isn't allowed, it is about what is best for my body. all this justification going on in my head, just for some dairy products?!

and why am i thinking so much about food? apes, insight?

1 comment:

April said...

I don't know about you Meg, but I want food because it is instant pleasure. I don't have to be patient, it can be inexpensive, it makes me feel satisfied. And probably because it is something I am not supposed to have. If we could eat anything without being fat, I don't I would be half as interested in food. :)
And your Joe o's do not sound that appealing to me...but the bubble gum, YES! I love sugar! Unfortunately :)